I am not a nun, I don't teach little girls in two straight lines who wear straw hats, and I am not French, but when I read Cheap and Chic Living's link to a Jezebel article on Forever 21's blatant copycat designs, I could have been that nun, storming down the hallway to assess the situation....
A little over-dramatic, but the situation calls for it! ;)
Now, I know that F21 knock-offs aren't big news- heck, I thought it was funny that they got sued by Louboutin for using his copyrighted red soles on their heels. I mean, really, who would be fooled by a cheap pair of shoes when the quality and style of that designer is so iconic?
But what about smaller, less well-known designers? Would anyone even notice if their designs get ripped off?

This takes the proverbial wind out of my sails because F21 has always been a sort of quick-fix type of place to me that sells super trendy pieces I don't want to sink money into and a great place for costumes. It's just not as fun when you know that the piece of clothing you buy could have been an idea stolen from a cool, niche designer. Where's the fun in discovering something new that is actually not new, but rather, is kinda old...and kinda stolen?
Does the F21 "rip-off stigma" affect whether or not you shop there?
Just to lighten the mood since it's Monday, let me add:
"We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other."
Barf if you must, but do you remember this?!