Reviewing the Spoils of Shopping!
I am trying to curb my love of retail therapy, so when I am down, I will rummage through my closet and find something that I haven't worn in a while. That way it feels new and guiltless. Or sometimes I will make a new outfit out of pieces I already own, or simply gaze admiringly at a great deal I snapped up. I got these little flower posts at Anthropologie a bit ago and love wearing them. Best part? $5!
Tasty Treats
I love cooking, (brace yourself for future photo-ops of making dinner), and love making desserts- thanks for the sweet-tooth, Mom- but sometimes a tasty drink and a snack can hit the spot. Should've had these Gin&Tonics with lime and pistachios on St. Patrick's Day in keeping with the color theme...
Not well-traveled by any means, folks, but I love a fun get-away. Stress-free, sometimes impromptu, jaunts make me happy. I love driving as much as flying because although it takes longer, pictures on airplanes aren't usually very memorable. Or at least I will say this until I crash my car while snapping pics....
Most gals love a bit of sparkle, (hello, Anthro earrings!), and I like tinkering with the construction of pretty baubles. I haven't taken formal classes, but I have learned things here and there and make what I like. I usually give items to friends or wear them to work until I feel like making something new out of the parts... Below are two sets of simple/silly earrings I made for friends:
I will post some more jewelry photos of what I am envisioning for spring and summer wear next time :) Ever stop and think about the little things that make you happy? I guarantee it will brighten your day, and feel free to share!