I am having a tweed moment! I am specifically obsessing over getting a tweed blazer this fall and I am delighted that they are back
en vogue-- not that they are ever really out, but there is such a variety available this fall. A tweed blazer is a great item to own because it pairs with your LBD, with a weekend jeans outfit and any ensemble in between. And if you change your look to be lady-like or edgy, (
or if you dress like I do, whatever you're feeling when you get dressed on a given morning), the tweed blazer can easily accommodate your whims.
Soooo we've established that I want to partake in the tweed situation going on, and you'd think it would be as easy as just buying one. And I'm done. Not so. This whole getting-married-and-budgeting-and-being-a-vaguely-responsible-adult-in-general thing means I cannot run out and pick up the $1,500 tweedy confection that I have been eyeing, so I have been looking for budget options. Normally the term "budget options" conjures up terrible connotations and visuals, or at least the impression that items will be depressingly poor in quality and fit, but do not fear! I have found quite an assortment of styles and colors of tweed blazers
for under $100! Behold the nubby-chic gorgeousness:
Modern Tweed Jacket at Ann Taylor. The bright color and cropped length would be perfect for topping a cute dress for going out or with a casual brunch ensemble. |
Tweed Biker Jacket from ASOS. Don't mind the model's expression, I'd be psyched to wear this fitted number with frayed detailing! |
Boxy Tweed Jacket from Newport News. I love that this is totally office appropriate and yet I would wear it out on the town in a heartbeat!
The Captain Jacket from Rachel Rachel Roy. The neutral + navy colors are a welcome departure from the typical black -based tweed. |
Linen Blend Tweed Jacket at Coldwater Creek. I would not have expected to love a clothing item at CCreek (at least for another 30 years, hehe) but I suppose this is just a testament to how timeless and appealing tweed jackets really are! |
What do you think about tweed blazers? Perfect or passe? And am I crazy for pining for one of these when it is barely September? If you have any other salivation-inducing-finds, please share! I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend-- soak up the last bit of summer while you can!!